About Us
Greetings from Jean's Greens

Over this past year, something we have heard more and more, from our customers, family and friends alike, is a yearning. A yearning to slow down, unplug, be more present and mindful, and to express gratitude for the many blessings in our lives. I have said it myself many times. So in this New Year, I have decided to make a change in my life. I am starting, gently and slowly, one day a week to pause, take a deep breath, slow down, appreciate my blessings and take care of myself. It can be challenging to start, but experiencing a moment or two of peace each week has been such a worthwhile experience, that I invite you to join me.
Choose one day to slow down, rest, enjoy a book, a movie, a walk, music, time with friends or loved ones, anything that brings you joy. Whatever you choose, let it be at a pace that doesn't feel overwhelming. And let us at Jean's Greens help. We have teas and herbs to help you relax and center yourself. New products to pamper your skin and body, candles to ease yourself into meditation and relaxation, beautiful cards for reaching out to friends, or ceremonial products to support your spirit. In beginning your new self-care practice, choose what feels right to you.
With those feelings in mind, we were particularly drawn to the inspiring and centering artwork of Michelle Wallace at Nature Mandala Art. We chose one of Michelle's beautiful mandalas for our 2018 catalog cover. We hope you find peace in her artwork, which is featured on notecards and her Nature Mandala Medication Cards. With Michelle's art you can carry the beauty of Vermont's forests, fields and gardens with you. All of us here at Jean's Greens with you all the best on your own journey this year.
Peace and Green blessings,
Nora Vallon-Burgos, owner
The Story of Our Logo!
Monarch on Goldenrod
With her retirement, Jean kept her hummingbird logo, as it had special meaning for her. Our new logo, the monarch butterfly with goldenrod, came from a number of happy events that took place during the past few months.
We were visited often by monarchs and had the chance to witness the metamorphosis of a chrysalis into a butterfly. Ted Andrews, author of Animal Speak, shares, "butterfly medicine reminds us to make changes when opportunities present themselves," and they invite us not to take things quite so seriouosly. Butterflies, he says, remind us "life is a dance."
Having the chance to become a part of Jean's Greens is a dream come true for all of us, an opportunity we couldn't pass up. And being able to laugh at ourselves along the way and enjoy the process was a reminder we often needed! The butterfly will remind us to always be on the lookout for new opportunities to share with you.
As we moved along in the process, we met often and there was a sense for all of us of coming together. Goldenrod - a favorite of monarch butteflies - was all around us during these meetings, and we were reminded of the words of noted author and herbalist Matthew Woods in the Book of Herbal Wisdom that, "the message of goldenrod is to endure to reach the goal."
We needed endurance to get through all the paperwork, but our bigger goal is to make sure that Jean's Greens endures as a quality supplier of herbs and herbal products. We would like to thank artist Patricia Murtha Friedman who designed the 2004 catalog cover and our new logo. She has beautifully captured the vision we had.
"One's destination is never a place, but rather a new way of looking at things" - Henry Miller