Our Story

Dear Friends,
Twenty years ago, Jean Argus, the owner of Jean’s Greens, brought me to the Green Nation’s Gathering to introduce me to the herbal community as the new owner of Jean’s Greens. In a ceremony that weekend, we were asked to step into a circle and state an intention. I promised Jean that I would take care of her "baby".
It’s been an amazing journey and I hope that I have honored that promise. It’s not easy, to sum up twenty years in a few words. I am so grateful for all the people who have come into my life as a result of this business. One of the greatest joys has been coming to know each of you. You began as staff and customers but quickly became friends. We’ve celebrated together, shared stories, laughed together, and at times, cried together, and through it all maintained a sense of community and connectedness that went far beyond business.
Of course, none of it would have been possible without an amazing team of people who have worked at Jean’s Greens. Their dedication, humor, and love are why Jean’s baby has done so well. I am grateful to each one of them.
Now, almost twenty years later, after three moves, the recession, and an unbelievable pandemic, it is my turn to ask someone else to care for that baby. I have done my best to continue to provide quality products of all kinds while at the same time offering excellent customer service. I would hope that Jean is watching and believes I’ve cared for, grown, and developed her business.
So, as of January 30th, Jean’s Greens Herbal Tea Works will become Jean’s Greens Center for Holistic Health and Wellness and has a new "parent", Nora Vallon-Burgos. A remarkable woman who has been part of our team for the past two years. She is a nurse, an educator, an energy practitioner, and one who works with plant-based wellness. She is clearly gifted, and I strongly believe she is the one to take Jean’s Greens into a new future. Please welcome her as you have so graciously welcomed me into your lives and hearts. Know that in my heart I will still be a part of Jean’s Greens.
Green Blessings and Peace,
Holly Applegate
Holly Applegate